I was in my seat at the backmost part of the fully airconditioned, a lot of times creepy training room at the 6th floor early tonight. As usual, being still on training for three weeks now, it was again another day of patient listening to the "jargonic" discussions of our trainor(no offense to the trainor because she's really good). It's like another day of mental corruption and intercourse, that I hardly even remember whenever I get home. While the rest are doing their fair share of butting in to the discussions or at least nodding, I on the other hand would engage myself into one of my favorite things in life... staring into nowhere and thinking a lot of things I consider more engaging. This often happens to me especially if I don't know the things talked about in class already. My mind seems to always have this limit of absorbing information that eventually at a certain time, it just seems to flutter in limbo and and stop engaging itself to the discussions and starts to move away from realism... Believe me, sometimes I have this fear that I might not be able to come back to my senses again with the unexplained calmness and energy I have whenever I am in my other world. Creepy huh! Yeah, I think so too. But, I love it, because it is the only way I know that I'll be happy at something as of the moment where I am in a monotonous phase of life.
Whenever this happens to me, I remember a line from one of my favorite books. I kindda forgot the exact line but, it speaks of seeing things that are not seen by the naked eyes. Ghosts may be included to this... But more than that, I believe it refers more to the things a person ought to see; more important than what is seen and more profound than what is physically real. Thus,.. it something seen through our fist-sized pounding heart. This tells us of life's unexplained magic. Something that tells us of irony and existence. And even more,... it tells us that there's more to what we know, more to what we feel and more to what our mind could fathom.... It tells us that we are human,... that we are bound to limitations until our last.
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